關於millions of thanks的評價, Jaonaay
Millions of thanks ❤️ #คนละชั้น #10Mviews...
Millions of thanks ❤️ #คนละชั้น #10Mviews...
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all our Muslim friends!...
This is Abu Abdulah with his youngest daughter Wa'...
《The Guardian 英國衛報》 英國衛報在7日以「自身成功的受害者:為何台灣未能設法因應大...
前兩天小編才分享3個友邦在 #世界衛生組織 🌐執委會中為 #台灣 發聲,沒~想~到~ #瓜地馬拉、...
估唔到放左一條片上黎facebook有接近三百萬人睇過,多謝大家的 like 同 share,仲見...
I will never forget that moment I played music wit...
Came across this moving and inspiring story on Ty...
I am a chef. I am transforming myself to a busines...
對住CNN 做live Interview有咁嘅表現😱我會俾Level 5佢⭐️ (回應返:呢度唔...